Monday, July 13, 2009

The Economoy as Kryptonite?

Interesting commentary in last Friday's Wall Street Journal. Jonathon V. Last's "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's...Obama" details the president's depiction in comic books without making any snide comments about Obama's celebrity (which I rather expected, reading the "Taste" section of the WSJ). Mr. Last instead takes aims at the corporations that have cashed in on Obama's image.

There is definitely a college course somewhere in here. As I envision it, it would be a combination of English, history, politics, business and marketing. It would really be a "liberal arts" course (Oh man, I am almost as clever as Philadelphia Inquirer writer Peter Mucha!).

Oh, and my favorite part of the article has to be the last graf, something that I would not expect in the MSM but which could be printed because the Journal sees itself as tough on Obama:
The alternative is that the comic-book [sic] establishment finally feels liberated to let loose its political fantasies. Let's hope it's just commercialism. The last thing we need is comic books descending to the level of respectable mainstream journalism.

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