Saturday, January 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

"When a person is twenty-one or twenty-two years old and facing that great enigma about what to do, envying the law students or medical students who can get on a set of rails and run on it and know where they're going, the writer doesn't know. But a writer should also bear in mind there are numerous paths to this goal and they're all O.K. It's like a huge river with a lot of islands in it. You can go around an island to the left or right. You can go to this or that island. You might get into an eddy. But you're still in the river. You're going to get there. If the person expects the big answers at twenty-one, that's ridiculous. Everyone's in the dark."
-John McPhee, quoted in Literary Journalism by Norman Sims and Mark Kramer

Speaking of writing, Practicing Writing is a great blog featuring tips and opportunities for writers (h/t to Kate).

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