"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."It makes me sick. The other day I saw a Muslim - a MUSLIM walking in lower Manhattan, just a block a way from Ground Zero. Let me repeat that. A Muslim has the audacity to walk so close to the place where a group of Muslims killed so many Americans on September 11, 2001.
-Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, 1964
"If Dwight Eisenhower had come back from the war and decided to run as a Democrat - which he almost did - there would be no Republican party today. They would be like the Ku Klux Klan, small knots of hate-crazed rich people scattered in walled ghettos around the country, instead of the dominant ruling autocracy that they have been for most of the last four decades."
-Hunter S. Thompson, "Better Than Sex"
I don't care that you won't be able to see the Park51 community center with its mosque from Ground Zero. It shouldn't be there at all. It's not that I'm afraid of Muslims - it's just that I don't want them to kill me and corrupt my children.
It's not that I don't want Muslims in Manhattan, it's just that I don't want Muslims in this Christian Nation. In fact, if we can do away with all the Muslims, Homosexuals, Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Democrats, Socialists, and Pedophiles we will be pretty close to what the founding fathers intended. I don't believe they ever intended for this place to be overrun with immigrants and foreigners. So let's do them the favor and kick them out.
2,752 people died in New York on 9/11, excluding the hijackers. In total, 2,995 died, including the 19 hijackers. What did the 19 hijackers have in common? They were all Muslim. What does this community center and mosque have in common with them? It's Muslim as well! It's amazing. [The "white rights" group, on the other hand, the KKK, is all about nonviolence! (What's that, you say? They link to Storm Front? Well that's just a coincidence, isn't it?)]
The other day I asked a friend about the whole thing and he said, "Well, people have the freedom to practice their religion in the United States." I said show me where and he pointed me to the First Amendment of the Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.And so I said, Well, Arizona doesn't give a shit about the Fourth, so why New York give one about the First? [Sorry about the link to that long-haired hippy-liberal piece of trash, but it's the best I can find]. He just kind of looked at me confused. Then he told me something that made me kind of sad. Anyone can be a Muslim. Thankfully, most people aren't. I knew Arabs and Blacks could be Muslim, but I had no idea whites could be as well. It's just a testament to the strength of their brainwashing. All those poor children consumed by Allah.
I used to think they were all alike. Some Arabs will tell you they are "Sikhs." Don't be fooled - they are Muslims as well. In fact, these are some of the most dangerous Muslims because they carry a sword or dagger. Now it turns out Muslims can be anywhere.
So if these so-called people are using their so-called "freedom of religion" to put a MUSLIM community center and mosque two blocks behind Ground Zero (and I don't care that it will be hidden behind buildings - it will still be there) we should use our freedom of speech against it. After all, there is no Constitutional Amendment that forbids hate. Otherwise this wouldn't be an issue in the first place!
So here's my plan for getting back: hit them where it hurts. Was everybody sure to draw a picture of Mohammed for "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day?" I know I did. Here's my reference image:
[Courtesy change.org. By the way - check out the name of the "Designated Agent." It's a huge conspiracy.]
Barack Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden. How did he ever get elected president? He wasn't even born in the United States. By the way, did you know that 82 percent of Americans don't know that Obama is Muslim? That's up 7 percent since last year. People have been finding out! I'm glad Americans are getting so well educated.